
not a clue, as usual

Christmas shopping – done, Christmas baking next!

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Christmas presents

My Christmas shopping is finished. Everything is wrapped and tucked away in various closets throughout the house. Not really hidden, just stashed in large bags in my bedroom or pushed into an already overstuffed closet. I am counting on everyone’s patience to wait for Christmas morning to open gifts and hoping they won’t peek under the wrappings and tissue paper. Now is the time that is most difficult for me. Shopping/wrapping done but a day or two early for baking. A day or two to be still and quiet and rest. Why is it so hard to stop spinning and just be still? Soon enough it will be Christmas with family and dinners and fun to be had but for now – be still and wait for God’s divine interruption.

Be still and know that I am God

Psalm 46:10

Shepherds on the hillside were quietly resting until their slumber was interrupted by a choir of angels. Joseph and Mary’s tiring journey was interrupted by sharp pains and a then a squalling baby. The Magi’s ordered life was interrupted by a shining star and the need to prepare for a long journey.

But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth be silent before him.

Habbakuk 3:3

 I am struggling to be still and not think of all those delicious cookies that I will be baking in just a few short days. Rather, I will try and focus on a God who reaches out to me. For now I will be quiet and read the Scriptures that tell the story. I will revel in the next few silent nights that allows me to rest up for the work He has prepared for me. For the celebrations that can be planned for as the Magi certainly did. For parties that will catch me by surprise. Those poor shepherds were still adjusting their eyes to the light as an incredible message was being delivered. Yet, they responded and ran into the village to celebrate what they barely understood. Even today, though I can barely understand what the Christmas truly means, I do know that it means I am loved and forgiven. I know that God interrupted that quiet night and changed the world in a way that is still sending ripples today. It has changed my life in ways that cause me to echo Mary’s words:

My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

 Luke 1:46-7.

Merry Christmas and God Bless!


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